Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A note...

Dear Summer,
Please hurry. You've been gone an awful long time, and we sure do miss you. We have lots of fun stuff planned for when you get here. Also, can you please bring just a little less rain when you come back this year? We sure do like the mud, but we like riding around with the top down a whole lot more.
Ashley's Jeep.

Apparently we had to get that missive out of the way before the real writing could begin. 
But with that being said, summer is coming, folks! Rejoice! Hooray! 

Now that you know I drive a convertible, I'm sure it's of no surprise that one of my favorite things ever is "riding around with the top rolled down and the radio on" (Billy Joel - Scenes from an Italian Restaurant) on a sunny summer day. 

Of course, one must be very selective about what music to broadcast when you know that several other people will hear it. Because of my prudish personality, I refuse to listen to anything that contains excessive swear words, or otherwise obnoxious or offensive content. I'm not sure if you realize just how much this limits the "cool" music selection.

For instance: I would never, ever, listen to, say, ABBA at nearly top volume in the open air & sunshine. ABBA = not cool. Ditto for such artists as Enya or Yanni.

Likewise, you would be hard-pressed to find Guns N' Roses in my playlist during the summer, for although I do enjoy listening to such classics as "Get in the Ring" and "Used to Love Her" in the privacy of my own home, I don't believe that the kids in the minivan next to me need to be exposed to that kind of content or language. And as much!! as I love Blink-182, you will absolutely find me turning down the volume once in a while if I hit an intersection just right. 

I believe in decorum and common decency, and just as it's now illegal to watch porn in your vehicle with rear-facing monitors so that little kids can see it, I feel it should be illegal to play offensive music so loud that little kids (and grandmas and moms and your Uncle Joe) can hear it clearly.

One of my favorites for top-down cruising, and I can tell you right now that this definitely comes from my oldest sister, is Paul Simon's "Graceland" album. And not just because it's inoffensive, cheerful, melodic, and has an extremely high sing-along value. No, this has nearly everything to do with the memory of playing hooky with my sister on a spring day in college, grabbing ice cream and driving around local cemeteries to look for signs of our family tree, in her Cabrio, with the top down. 

I suspect this summer will bring the return of my Bob Marley phase (Bob's always perfect for summertime tune-age, there's no denying that island feeling), and I forsee making a few tough decisions to make room on my iPod for some Sublime. These are summer songs for me, "Badfish" and "Rivers of Babylon" have all the imagery of sunshine, sunglasses, and a heat wave behind them.  

I want to know- what do YOU groove to in the summer? Who thumps your speakers? Do you find yourself going back to a handful of artists from days past, or do you use the summer to find new classics? Tell me. Don't be shy. You might just give me some ideas.


  1. Your Big Sis now recommends some of the songs from the Kill Bill soundtracks for unembarassing top-down enjoyment.

  2. I want to read more! Kenny Chesney always evokes road trip memories for me, as does Billy Joel. I've always found myself hard-pressed to find new music that fits my top-down (or open sunroof, as the case may be) standards. I'm eagerly awaiting your musical advice.

  3. The hell with all that nonsense. There's too much of that nanny-state bullshit as it is.
