Hey out there! How you all doin' tonight? Yeah!
I got a great show for you tonight! I'm gonna do some classics, some new stuff, and I'm gonna do some stuff ya never heard of, all right!
Grab a drink, grab your girl, your guy, and get your rock on!
In another life, that coulda been me. Rock star. Frontman. Leader of the band.
But right after school, I found myself broke, with a degree in English, and ZERO desire to teach. I wanted to write. Not just any writing, though. I wanted to write for Rolling Stone.
See, I'm what you'd call "obsessed" with like maybe two things in my life - music, and my 1999 Jeep TJ (both totally cool things to be obsessed with, if you ask me).
I'm one of those people who walks around with a song in their head on a daily basis. I can pull lyrics out of thin air to describe nearly everything I'm feeling, or to reference anything anyone says. It's sick. My friends used to call me "the database." In high school, if you threw lyrics at me, I could give you the song title, artist, album name, track number, and year of release for probably 30% of popular or classic rock. That probably doesn't seem like much, but think of ALL the music out there, man.
But I'm not that good anymore.
I got caught up in the corporate life- sort of. I've spent the last year of my life sitting at a desk- punching numbers, pushing papers, filing, stapling, corresponding, Web searching. Phone calls, faxes, E-mails. Contracts, long-term agreements, software, pricing, spreadsheets, busy work. Vacation days, snow days, sick days, personal days, holidays.
The time for that has changed. This is my time (again). Unemployed and still thinking about music 12/7 (that Jeep takes up the other 50% of my thoughts), I think it's time to get it out there.
So thanks, big sister, for reopening my eyes to something I really should have started to see a long time ago...
Look for more installments soon. And if you have anything off-the-wall that you think I should hear, drop me a line and a link to find it.
I knew you could...